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About Legacy Builders for Change

In 2016 a leadership class at Heritage High School was searching for a school to partner with in a developing country. That search led them to a group of amazing people in Leon Nicaragua who had a desire to serve a special community through education and health care. In an incredible chain of events the Heritage High School Leadership Class partnered with community leaders in Leon and provided the resources to build Katie Beth Carter Memorial School in Tomas Borge, Nicaragua. As the Ringgold community embraced the community of Tomas Borge a vision for the future was born.  Legacy Builders was created to enact that vision.


Today Legacy Builders is operated entirely by volunteers from the Ringgold Georgia area. The relationship between the two communities continues to grow to this day. Currently Legacy Builders provides the resources necessary for education, health care, vocational training, and food engineering in the Tomas Borge Community in Leon Nicaragua.

Our Approach

  1. Relational – We believe that real, lasting growth only happens in the context of a long term relationship.

  2. Respectful – We value and respect all cultural differences and the unique gifts they offer

  3. Holistic – We offer education, health services, and economic development through vocational training  

  4. People specific – We are not a hand out charity.  We partner specifically with people who actively engage in processes to improve their circumstances.

  5. Has an end in mind – We believe in a structure of service that will eventually grow to the point that our partnership is not necessary anymore because of the development and advances of our partners.


Our Community


Tomas Borge is located just outside of Leon, Nicaragua.  Tomas Borge was once one of the largest dump sites in Nicaragua.  Several years ago the government shut down the dump and turned the land over to the squatters who called the area home.  There are approximately 6,000 families living in this area. Like many impoverished areas many in this community lack the basic resources to rise above their circumstances.  The people of Tomas Borge are some of the most beautiful people, inside and out, that you could ever meet!

Our 2025 Goals

Fully funded 1st-11th Grade School

Ultrasound capabilities for expecting mothers

Provide each student a healthy meal each day from our organic farm

Free childcare for young mothers so they can finish their education

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